First things first...
$ npm install -g big-presentation
To initialize a new presentation, run...
$ big-presentation-init dope-prez
You could write your presentation in the included index.html
...but that's no fun when we could be using markdown!
$ touch
Then, just write markdown, separating your slides with ———
You can do fancy things by tweaking big.css
or big.js
and falling back to using HTML inside your markdown
..can do <span class='blink'>fancy things</span> by tweaking..
To compile your markdown presentation to HTML, run... big-presentation-compose
Then, to serve up your presentation in the browser, run... big-presentation-serve
You can even host your presentation for free in a matter of seconds using Github Pages!
For more tips and tricks checkout the documentation on Github.
And a big thanks to Tom MacWright for creating this project!
The source for this presentation can be found at johncmunson/big-presentation-demo